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Landscape architecture portrays a distinct identity and aesthetic quality which enhances the overall pedestrian experience.  Design services incorporate many items including finish grading and surface drainage of pedestrian and planting areas, pedestrian pavements, landscape walls, stairs and railings, fences and decks, site furnishings, water features and fountains, pedestrian lighting, irrigation, plantings, environmental graphics and art.


We assess the site’s development potential through the site analysis of cultural and natural factors and determining the optimum location of land program elements.  These land program elements incorporate the character of development, relationship of structures, vehicular access, parking and circulation, branding, pedestrian circulation, streetscape design, open spaces, planting development, recreational facilities, and phasing of development.


Municipalities are enhancing their citizen’s quality of life by improving their parks, trail systems, botanical gardens, and recreational amenities.  We provide park and recreational design services for public open spaces, parks, trails, and sports facilities.  Our experience ranges from neighborhood/elementary playgrounds to community trail master plans.


Sustainable design is a defining attribute in HFSD's design principles.  Guidelines such as designing with the land, utilizing plant material adaptive to the area, locating trees and plantings to provide shade and buffering winds, and designing water conscious irrigation systems to conserve and mange water usage are incorporated into all of our projects.  As water becomes a more precious resource, HFSD is striving to implement sound water management principals through project design including water harvesting, bioswales, rain gardens, water retention, and low water use plant material.


Shaping urban public spaces such as streetscapes, parks, and plazas are an essential part of HFSD’s professional capabilities.  An urban public space shall be safe and inviting private environment inherently drawing people and enjoyed as a destination.  Urban public spaces shall create a vibrant area for social interaction while promoting a healthier, more pedestrian friendly experience.


Water is a very valuable resource, necessary for the growth and establishment of the landscape. HFSD provides irrigation design focused on water conservation and water management. Our designs provide efficient water application through subsurface drip, cycle and soak scheduling, and sensors to mitigate water usage during freezing temperatures, natural rain fall, and excess flow. Coupled with the proper selection and placement of plant material, water management is achieved while displaying a healthy landscape.

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